Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Summer is over (almost)

  Summer 2013 was great & busy. We had four summer camp sessions and July belt testing. Summer seems to give parents and students that much needed break from the rigors of the school year to help re-charge with some family time. I know it does for me. It's always great to hear from the kids where they went and what they did from their point of view. We had two families that went to Yellow Stone National Park that I know of. The kids seem to learn so much and have a blast. I can remember the first time my old man took me to Great Smokey Mountains N.P. I was sharing pictures of that trip with my second grade class all year. The fact that kids can learn and have just as much fun as families did 60 years ago exploring parks is truly amazing. I'm so glad that we have these treasures for everyone to enjoy. I look forward to a lifetime of learning and exploring through nature.
World Karate sighting

Monday, January 14, 2013

Ending 2012

We always finish the year with a Christmas party & toy deliver the next day.  We had a great turn-out for both.  Next year we are going to try something a little different for the party.  50 or more kids running around crazy while everyone else tries to have a conversation is little hectic.  It is always great to see everyone come together even if for one brief loud and cramped moment.  The next morning we had about 40 cars loud up and head out to three different places to deliver  gifts from the toy drive.  It is a great experience for all those involved.  One of our Black belts has gone every year for the past 8 years. It really makes you appreciate the blessings in your life.  I hope everyone has enjoyed being apart of World Karate in 2012.  I am looking forward to our 13th year in trying to change lives one class at a time.