Saturday, October 13, 2012

Test night

Part one is over. Hardest test I have ever done for lots of reasons.  We have a great group & I am so proud to have them as students.  Master Payne is still kicking butt & setting a great example how to be an incredible instructor & person. I am so grateful that he is a part of our school. I will give a full report later when my head stops pounding.  Thanks to everyone that made it an epic night I will always treasure.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Weeks 9/17 - 9/30

Mon.  Sparring with some strength & conditioning after

Tues. a.m. 8 hill repeats up school street. 9m
         p.m. Light grappling

Wed. a.m. 45 min. on the bike with strength training after

Thurs. a.m. 1 hr run with 3 sets of squats & pull-ups.    Forms at night.

Fri.  run 9.3m cielo vista loop with Josh.

Sat. run 2.5 hrs on trails

Sun.  Family hike & swim in the river.

Mon. Fun night of sparring.  Those guys are good.  Abs & push- ups after.

Tues. run 8 hill repeats 9m

Wed.  all weapons training. Stick, bow, & knife sparring. Does not get much more fun then a few guys whacking each other with foam & plastic.

Thurs.biked 45 min. Squats & pull-ups after. Light sparring at night with forms after.

Fri. Zip. Knee was hurting.

Sat. AMA kids black belt test training.   Strength training

Sun. 55 min on bike with squats & pull- ups after
 Decided to give up on all running until my foot starts hurting. Taking every step every day in pain is getting old.

Master Payne, 26 years of running a top-notch school.